We’ve been honored to work with countless private psychotherapy and coaching clients for more than 30 years. In addition, we’ve been conducting TFT trainings for more than two decades. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about working with us
“I took the TFT Boot Camp over a weekend in Calgary this past spring, and despite being somewhat skeptical at first, I have to say by the end of the weekend I had decided it was fabulous! I felt awesome after that weekend, and
since then TFT has helped me deal with some physical and emotional challenges
in my life, and left me feeling energized and ready to face more challenges! I would love to learn more and take the Toxins course, and have set those as my goals.
Dr. Bray was a fantastic instructor with a lot of personal experience and analogies to color the training, making the weekend interesting, informative, and most of all invigorating!”
—Christina, Calgary AB
“I attended your last workshop here and I was the last person you treated on the last day. I have been so much better and definitely eliminating wheat has been incredible, I have dropped 5 kilos since then. However, I still feel hungry and seek to replace it with low GI and all are not that good. ..I must thank you again for the wonderful experience in body and mind, I know that there must be other toxins to clear and eliminate from my diet but so far I can’t find anyone to practice with. But I shall follow your recommendation to grab anyone to muscle test me.”
—Linda, Sydney NS
“I’ve been meaning to contact you for some time. I know you probably don’t remember me, but I took your TFT training at an ICISF conference in San Francisco about four years ago. I’ve been with the Minneapolis Fire Department for almost 26 years, both as a firefighter and a fire captain. I now manage our department’s internal EAP program, which I started almost seven years ago. I just wanted to let you know that TFT has been my treatment of choice for people who are in immediate crisis or who are having problems self-regulating due to a recent traumatic event or some other anxiety-producing event in their lives. While it may not make everything immediately better in their lives at the moment or make the problem go away, I’ve found that it calms them down enough so that they can think about the event more calmly or clearly without feeling overwhelmed emotionally and physically. I know I’ve easily used TFT dozens of times over the years, both with firefighters and civilians. People are usually very surprised at the results and feel very grateful afterwards. In most cases, one 20-30 minute session is all that is needed after assessing them. Even with my longer-term clients, it has proven useful when they seem stuck or would like to try something different. Again, they are usually surprised at the results. Overall, the TFT training I took from you has proven more useful than most of the other trainings I’ve attended mainly because I’ve been able to use it right away with positive results.
—Mark, San Francisco, CA
“I have recently attended TFT Boot Camp in Oakland, Ca and met Robert Bray as our trainer. He is an amazing man who gave of his time yesterday to help one of my patients, a Veteran of Iraq war twice deployed suffering with PTSD since 2005. She was miserable. I could not touch her with my basic level of expertise although I gave it a good try. I called Robert and although he was on his way to his vacation he gave my patient direct attention via phone. I was so proud to be working with you all.”
—Joanne, Oakland, CA
"Thought Field Therapy helped me make lasting changes when nothing else had. I tried to manage overwhelming depression and PTSD for 25+ years seeing doctors, trying medications, talking to therapists, and particularly disruptive, multiple hospitalizations. Working with Bob and using TFT brought all of that to a swift end. TFT settled my overwhelming thoughts, feelings, and memories in a matter of minutes. I was finally able to make progress toward moving my life forward. Bob is an amazing teacher and therapist; I hope everyone will take advantage of the opportunity to experience and practice Thought Field Therapy."
—Kate Morgan
"Thought Field Therapy by Dr Robert Bray has been instrumental to my successful healing process. I am an incest survivor, rape survivor and spousal abuse survivor. During the therapeutic appointments with him, using the tapping cycles he introduces are critical to keeping me grounded and thinking. It allows me to move back from the chaotic emotions that come up when we are working. The customized tapping sequences he has given me for use at home help me to help myself stay in the moment. The tapping keeps me from spiraling back into the emotions from the past and stay in the present. I would recommend his process to anyone dealing with sexual trauma."
—Linda Litteral
"Dr. Bray is one of the best most respected psychotherapist in the nation. He is a thought leader in cutting edge approaches to dissolving trauma, phobias and anxieties. I have personally experienced a change from being afraid of bats and heights to now being free of those fears. I highly recommend you experience Dr. Brays work, through his classes and individual session, you will be glad you did."
—Sabrina Braham, MA,PCC,MFT, Executive coach, Corporate consultant, CEO of Women’s Leadership Success
“The willingness to face my buried emotional trauma and unhealed pain combined with the specialized trauma work with Dr. Robert L. Bray, has allowed for a successful outcome. With the use of thought field therapy (TFT Tapping) as an important part of that therapy, it allowed me to emotionally heal. Not only did the Tapping help rewire my brain, it also gave me an instant tool to help myself in any upsetting situation. Working with Dr Bray and learning his Tapping techniques to help myself learn how to quickly get out of the emotional reaction brain and into the thinking brain, and to face and heal my emotional trauma, has been the best self-care and the best gift I’ve ever given myself!”
—Holly Dickinson
“I am enjoying my life and the choices I make.”
- Anonymous
“He freed me from a continual loop of suffering and pain.”
- Anonymous
“I have used tapping on myself & still help others when possible.
People are amazed how effective it is & works. One of my dear friends rolls her eyes when I say we are going to tap to bring down your anxiety. She always is disgruntled but does it with me. The best part of her story is…. She told me last week she actually did some tapping and it really helped her. She’s a believer now!!!
I’m so thankful you have taught me and showed me the wonderful world of tapping.
Oh- it also worked on my cat Einstein. Only I didn’t touch him- focused on him and his energy while I tapped on myself!! Einstein is a true hunter & will go after the neighborhood cats. They are not harnessed & leashed like he is. He became Houdini for a week last June, consistently backing out of his harness & escaping for an hour or more!! Mama fixed that, found an escape proof harness. Works like a charm. Had a few nasty struggles which caused both of us to be stressed. Tapped first for me & the second time for Einstein.
Thank you again for sharing this awesome tool to get through any situation. ”
- Daylene
"Thank you for what you do too! I've used tapping methods before but never formally been trained. But ever since I saw you at my first ASAP conference, which was this year I wanted to take your training."
- Gina Hovis
"Wow, this really lifted my spirit and helped me a lot. I just found out about TFT a couple of days ago and just found your YouTube channel, although I've been doing EFT, EMDR, IFS and other things for many years. This felt different and I can really feel how it released a lot of heaviness, switched my mood and felt like the sun coming through on a cloudy day Thank you for these videos."
- Jessica Souths
"Loved and connected with each word on your thank you note. Thanks for staying genuinely a warrior of compassion. For your consistent triumph over darkness and disappointment. I pray for decades of happiness, health, passion and dedication for your work for you."
- Sam Iz1ur
"Thank you, Dr. Bray. I will start studying TFT this year for myself and the loved ones whom I can reach out to, during this lockdown. I feel this is the best opportunity I can think of to acquire healing skills and good to turn this crisis affecting the world into an opportunity. I am very grateful I found your channel and looking forward to looking at the materials you have on your website."
- B. Lar
"Dr Bray was our family therapist for two years about over 30 years ago. I really appreciated his advice he gave us, especially my family. He helped me to build my self esteem that I never had... My daughters are not perfect but I have a good relationship with their family and enjoy the time we have with each other... Yes LOVE is EVERYTHING! Now I'm 67 and have 5 grandkids (4 girls and 1 boy). I would love to meet him again. THANK YOU DR BRAY!"
- Suiko Takahashi
"Thanks for your lifesaving treatment technique!!! I had catatonic schizophrenia for nearly 30 years and tapped my way out of it in less than 15 minutes!! I also have a friend with severe psychosis who couldn't be reached by any psychiatrist or medication after 2 decades: one 10-minute tap/eye/roll/humming session—he's in perfect mental health!!"
- L.L.
"I do this every morning when I wake up, and it makes a world of difference. I tried to see if I could do without it, and it's just sooooo worth taking the 3 minutes for myself, so now I look at this like self-love."
"Dr. Bray, Thank you very much for posting this YouTube video. It is working for me, and I am committed to healing emotionally, spiritually, and physically. For me, it's about what I want to change and heal. Key word being I. Thank you again."
- Noelle Kriling
"Dr. Bray...just wanted you to know that I used your Pocket Guide today w/my first TFT session w/a psychotherapy client...and it was VERY helpful! Thanks, again! :)"
- Ken Pataky